My Liver Pate Recipe for Boosting Iron Levels (GF/Kid-friendly)
I know I promised this recipe so long ago! I finally had time to sit down and write out the instructions.
Despite the fact that many might turn their nose up to the the idea of eating liver, organ meats are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planter and also contain very high levels of heme iron, which is critical for brain development. If your little struggles with iron levels, this is a great way to add in an iron boost!
If you want to read more about the nutritional benefits of liver, check out this article by Chris Kresser right here.
Once I learned about the nutritional benefits of liver, I was totally on board with giving it a try. However, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out a way to prepare it that didn’t totally gross me out for the longest time. Until I finally discovered how to make it taste delicious in this pate recipe that I’ve been making for years and years for my family. I actually learned how to make it from one of my dear friends mother, who prepares it in a traditional Jewish dish. I actually can tell you with complete confidence that if you try this a few times you will learn to love the taste like I do now.
I make this pate recipe about once a month and I use it three ways:
I actually enjoy the taste of this pate on toast or crackers
I freeze it in an ice cube tray and then add a few cubes to any recipe I make that calls for ground beef (your littles likely won’t taste it!)
I offer it to babes on a loaded spoon with other fruits or veggie
Here’s how I make it.
1 lb organic free range chicken livers
1 + 1/2 large yellow onions (diced)
3-4 cloves garlic (diced)
3/4 stick grassfed butter
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
Sea salt to taste
Rinse and pat chicken liver dry with paper towels (not going to lie, this isn’t the most pleasant experience.)
In a cast iron skillet, melt 3/4 stick of butter over medium heat. Then add your liver for a about 3 minutes to cook before adding your in your garlic and onions.
Lower the heat to medium low and cover for about 10-15 minutes.
Season with onion and garlic powder and sea salt to taste.
Make sure to stir it around and cook on both sides for another 5 minutes until it’s cooked through and the onion is soft.
Place the entire mixture in the food processor and blend it until it’s a nice smooth even consistency.
Note: At this time, feel free to add more butter or more sea salt to your liking. To me the butter really takes away that strong liver flavor that turns many people off. If this is something you will offer to your babe, I recommend going very easy on the salt as their kidneys are still immature.
Serve warm with crackers or on toast or freeze in an ice cube tray for later.