Hi there!

I'm Ashley.  I'm a wife, a mom of three young children and a pediatric occupational therapist and feeding specialist by trade.  I am passionate about environmental and functional medicine and looking at the entire picture when it comes to children's health. 

I began my own holistic wellness journey almost 15 years ago out of necessity to heal my own chronic GI issues, asthma and thyroid disease.  After living through the transformation that real food nutrition, gut healing and detox had on my own health, I began to dig deep into researching what is really triggering the chronic disease epidemic plaguing American children.  I began to connect the dots between chronic diseases in children, environmental factors, the toxic burden, nutrition and the gut brain connection.

I want to help you connect the dots with your family's health too!

I love to share healthy wholesome meals for families, natural health and wellness tips, all about the gut-brain connection, nutrition, lowering the toxic burden, holistic treatments approaches to common childhood ailments as well as research on Autism, ADHD, picky eating and chronic diseases in children.

My Mission:

I want to empower families to begin connecting their own dots, take their families health back into their own hands and make one small more nutritious step towards health at a time.